
gustus elementa per omnia quaerunt

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Summer Sunday- Food 'n Kids

A new camera so the pics are coming hot n' fast. A few traditional efforts on a 34°C (198°F) no cooking for me Sunday.

A run to City Beach in the bleachy hot sun then pancakes at the small cafe next to Oceanus (sadly not a fist sized strawberry). 30 metres of white sand away from the sea. A quick swim.

Darby Newland gets that summer Choc Chill vibe thing going. Adds to already high Choc Milk derived energy levels by eating whole sugar sachet.

Fraser Newland imagines saving Alpine village from dam burst.

Off for a daring idea of a hot day Sunday Beef roast with Yorkshire pud. Brad does a top notch buffet carvery

Jo's Roast defies weather and is fabulous. Cold with horseradish and yoghurt and a shiraz jam. Served with Sangria and orange candlewax.

Rosie Hames compromises yet another crime scene.

Perth, Pehhhhhhhhhrth
When it's hot
It's the best place on the earth.
Oooooh yeah

and the chorus update...Go toora loora toora loo rye aye


Blogger santos. said...

ehem, psst, anthony, check those temperature conversion numbers again....

looks like a beautiful summer sunday there. it's c-cold here! 'm off to the zoo.

11/22/2004 05:02:00 am

Blogger Anthony said...

Can't cope with the subtract thingy. Amyway it's 37 today and the weather is entirely hot and sunny until March.
LA cold? Can't imagine it but I am heavily informed by television.

11/22/2004 01:51:00 pm

Blogger Jeanne said...

So tell me tell me what camera you got!! The suspense is killing me!

"...informed by television" - a 'contradictio in terminis' if I ever saw one...

11/22/2004 08:31:00 pm

Blogger Anthony said...

A Nikon Coolpix 4500 thanks to tokyo goat's kind efforts.

and yes TV, I was shocked to find residences that weren't either two story or apartments. A bungalow, in America - would you believe it?

11/22/2004 08:50:00 pm

Blogger Jeanne said...

Don't mock - I thought a bungalow was a small holiday home on the savannah/in the forest/by the lake until I came to England and learned that I had in fact lived in a bungalow all my life in South Africa!! And that my parents had never owned a house, but rather a bungalow!! (although I think you will be, ahem, informed by TV that ours was more of a ranch-style home than what the English call a bungalow... ;-)

11/22/2004 09:14:00 pm

Blogger Anthony said...

It's their sense of detachment that set them apart.

Just as Australian's are absurdly literal "road train" the British have inbuilt encrapment "lorry". We call bungalows "houses".

11/22/2004 09:42:00 pm

Blogger Jeanne said...

Would that be 32 or 64 bit encrapment?? And if yuo think the British are bad, in South Africa we call those red-amber-green lights at intersections "robots". I kid you not. Pass the R2-D2.

Their sense of detachment - maybe also alienation and isolation?? Maybe they need some feng shui?? Or just a nice group hug... (is that where terraced houses in Lodnon come from??)

11/22/2004 10:01:00 pm

Blogger Anthony said...

We call them "traffic lights".

Japanese houses are just aloof and over your head.

11/22/2004 10:29:00 pm

Blogger Jeanne said...

Velly funny, Anthony-san...

Did you hear about the man who goes to the psychiatrist saying "Doctor, doctor, I'm so confused. I don't know if I'm a tepee or a wigwam!". The doctor said "I see what the problem is - you're two tents."

11/22/2004 10:39:00 pm

Blogger santos. said...

what the heck are you watching with weather and bungalows?

11/23/2004 05:46:00 am

Blogger Anthony said...

Oh the usual - Simpsons and Frasier rerererepeats.

11/23/2004 07:48:00 am


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