
gustus elementa per omnia quaerunt

Monday, December 03, 2007

Rack of Veal Cooked in Milk

veal cooked in milk

I've just been painting the nursery (no not the one with the lamps) with this natural paint that's entirely mineral based and cuts down on the associated non-biodegradable toxic waste. Unfortunately it's like painting with coffee. It flies everywhere and after two coats it still looks like an undercoat (it takes three). I've often wondered what painting in the 17th century was like, know I know. On the plus side it avoids the speckled history of the paint industry, washes off easily enough, and doesn't smell.

Much easier is this veal dish I made a couple of weeks ago. Not only is it easy, but it's about as close to a perfect meal you could hope for. It's a big call I know, but it uses a few simple ingredients that compliment the feature ingredient, is unfuckuppable and you get that elusive feeling of a really special meal without having tried to hard.

There was one minor hitch. It was in a French magazine that I get every quarter in a swap with Gracianne. It means bodgy translation from French by me and this time I found out that Cocos de Paimpol, wasn't 'something coconut' but a kind of white bean from Paimpol and my friends were saved from veal cooked in coconut milk.

The veal is non-bastard veal from White Rocks Veal and cooked as one piece.

two onions
one stick of celery
six button mushrooms
1 litre full cream milk
600ml cream
rack of four veal chops

250 gm dried cannellini beans, soaked overnight
three sprigs of thyme and a bay leaf

Brown the veal in a little hot oil - to the brown that you'd like to serve it at..
Sautee the onions, celery and mushrooms in a little oil in a heavy casserole. Add the rack of veal and then filled with the milk and the cream to cover. Allow to very gently simmer, covered for one hour.

Take out the veal to allow it to rest. Strain the cooking liquid and then reduce it to a sauce/one-coat roll on paint like consistency. Reducing in a wide frying pan will hasten things.

The recipe suggests cooking the beans in water for about half an hour. I thought of adding them to the casserole dish at the 25-minutes-from-finish point but ended up finishing the beans in some of the cooking liquid.

Carve the chops and serve on the beans with the sauce. See if you can manage, unlike me, to get the garnish in the middle.

Tastes fabulous, cooks perfectly, and is really only about half and hour of actual kitchen work. Don't forget the bread.


Blogger santos. said...

the white on white aspect freaks me out a bit, but what do i know, i've eaten one too many beige meals in my time. it's a bit velvet undergroundy.

is it also the colour of the nursery?

12/20/2007 02:30:00 pm

Blogger Anthony said...

Funnily enough it *is* the colour of the nursery.

Yeah the meal is very Korova Milk Bar bar menu.

12/20/2007 03:04:00 pm

Blogger Gracianne said...

At least those magazines enable you to brush up your french. I learned the little Italian I know that way, reading cookbooks.
This is an italian recipe by the way, I think. I have tried it several times, with pork roast perfumed with Parma ham, garlic and sage, it was lovely.
Congratulations for the "natural" nursery.

12/21/2007 05:01:00 pm

Blogger Jeanne said...

So I take it musical accompaniment was a bit of the old Ludwig Van? :o)

Looks delicious, despite the relentless beigeness...

12/22/2007 12:00:00 am

Blogger Anthony said...

It's a great way of picking up some French vocab and at least I know I can always eat. Yes you're right it is an Italian recipe. Garlic and sage would be lovely and the meat just comes out so tender. It's a great technique for anyone worried about over-under cooking pork.

Then a little bit of the old ultra-violence. Actually no wait, then we had dessert. It is beige! As is the room, despite supposedly being a very light green.

12/22/2007 01:47:00 pm

Blogger reid said...


This looks delicious. Unfortunately, I can't eat too much of anything cooked with, or in, milk because of my lactose intolerance.

Glad you took care of painting the nursery. Isn't the little one going to be here soon?

12/23/2007 12:53:00 pm

Blogger The Daily Magnet said...

Me too with the whole milk thingo. How about an update on the baby cooking?

12/30/2007 11:20:00 pm

Blogger Anthony said...

Hi Reid
Yes I'll feel a sense of pride every time I look at those streaky chalky greyey bluey walls.
Soon, end of Feb apparently.

Hey DM
Poor old milk. Latest update is that it's turned upside down which is the right way up.

1/07/2008 10:51:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4/18/2008 09:15:00 pm


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