The leanliest meal of all

My expectations were a somewhat limp meal, far inferior to anything you could make for yourself but having the certain stodgy satisfaction you might get from macaroni cheese. I chose the can't-get-this-wrong pack of Lean Cuisine Tasmanian SALMON with PASTA - Tasmanian salmon pieces in a creamy white wine and vegetable sauce served over al dente pasta. Placing it in my basket, my shopping experience was ruined by not being able to buy any ice-cream in fear of the checkouter imagining that, having rewarded myself with my tasty and light meal, I'd then go and gorge myself in guilty self-hating pleasure.
It's crap. The spiral pasta tasted like the rinsed off leftovers of yesterday's pasta salad. The salmon had a vaguely salmony taste but the texture was like a pre-chewed tongue of heavily gummed jelly babies. Bringing up the nutrient were a few slivers of carrot and teeny tiny pieces of broccoli from one unit of broccoli several orders smaller than a floret. The sauce succeeds in balancing vomity looks with vomity taste, with a sweet bechamel sauce that tastes like it's cold when it's hot. If you like this, call me, I can help.
Anyway, who makes this shit? Ah what a surprise.
Makes the pan-friend blue eye trevally w/ roasted veggies and steamed beans we had last night look even better...
9/22/2005 08:35:00 am
Spiceone - Why did you do this to yourself? I almost want to cry, except the picture of the vomit sauce and yesterdays pasta is making dry retch.
Surely baked beans on toast would have been better. Heck just toast -no butter, cold and hard from sitting in the toaster all day because you forgot about it before darting out the door in the morning would have tasted better.
Those bastards!
9/22/2005 10:01:00 am
Saffron, he did it for us! To warn us not to go there, ever ever ever.
9/22/2005 12:01:00 pm
Ah ha ha ha! That's priceless!
9/22/2005 12:21:00 pm
i suppose i should have added a "this is a rhetoric question" clause after my comment :P
9/22/2005 12:51:00 pm
Robert, should we stage an intervention? Can worse be far away!
Okay spicedude, you're coming to the pub for a steak sandwich whether you like it or not!
9/22/2005 01:03:00 pm
I eat, so you don't have to.
ooh steak sandwich
9/22/2005 01:27:00 pm
hi anthony, any excuse i get (read: when the other is away), i happily live on scrambled eggs (and the occasional omelet) everyday...not nutritionally sound, i know, but then again, nobody's looking...
9/22/2005 05:05:00 pm
Chin up MTC - you don't have to martyr yourself on frozen lean cuisine, maybe you could branch out and discover your inner metrosexual with real salmon, and fresh pasta, just for kicks - while you are on your own? How indulgent is that, huh???!!
9/22/2005 09:29:00 pm
Food Jesus is watching J, and come judgement day you'll be cast into a pit of flaming white wine cream sauce.
On my own, metro sexed-up, classy meal- might get me all romantic with myself.
"Thanks me, it's been a lovely night but I really must staying."
"Well maybe just one"
The sad fact is, it's a one man lord of the flies.
9/23/2005 08:31:00 am
I've got visions of you running around in school-boy shorts with crude symbols painted all over yourself in the blood of a dead pig! Toni must be back soon to end this madness, right?
9/23/2005 08:37:00 am
She's back!
9/23/2005 08:40:00 am
You probably would have been better off eating the packaging and tossing the contents in the garbage (before ingesting the contents, I mean)
Or should I have said "hurling"?
9/23/2005 11:49:00 am
That looks horrid. And sounds about as appetizing as... well, really, do I have to tell you?
And "singledom"? What have I missed?
9/24/2005 01:12:00 pm
Hi Anthony,
Lean cuisine? PAH! Well, no wonder it was crap, you need the FULL FLAVORED, 1,000,000 calorie version that also has 5,000 grams of sodium, and 4,000 grams of fat.
BTW...what happend to Toni? Did she run away screaming after you purchased this stuff?
9/24/2005 07:34:00 pm
-the packaging looked rather nice as well.
- No and yes it does. Nothing dramatic just a few days away at camp and then she clears off to Darwin for a week next week. Chaos will reign.
- Thank you, I'll never be doing this again. Ever.
- In calories, lives joy. Toni is back, we have eaten nicely.
9/24/2005 09:42:00 pm
those lean cuisines never look or taste as good as the packaging would have you think
i live in singledom all the time (unless you count my two feline roommates, who don't eat my people-food), but i still haven't brought myself to rely on frozen dinners for sustenance
yeachh! :)
9/25/2005 04:26:00 am
My small hopes for tarting it up when it came out were as dashed as my small hopes of its taste. Ah well another thing I can be judgemental about at the supermarket.
Not very good at the living alone thing. Don't think I've ever done it for more than a couple of weeks tops, ever.
9/25/2005 02:19:00 pm
"those lean cuisines never look or taste as good as the packaging would have you think"
those lean cuisines never look or taste as good as the packaging.
9/26/2005 11:55:00 am
9/26/2005 02:50:00 pm
We love Lean Cuisines
9/26/2005 06:44:00 pm
We love Lean Cuisines
9/26/2005 06:44:00 pm
Ahhh the outback, where the skies are blue and the food is frozen.
9/26/2005 07:27:00 pm
ahh anything but
9/26/2005 07:33:00 pm
You wanna swap lamb?
9/27/2005 04:50:00 pm
We are killing some Dorpa sheep soon, and that means we will be eating lamb for about the next 25years............yippy!
do ya want some?
9/27/2005 06:43:00 pm
9/28/2005 09:53:00 am
aaawwww i hate one word answeres,
9/28/2005 09:13:00 pm
Oi Miss Manners, not like I'm going on about typos.
9/29/2005 11:27:00 am
wats typos?
9/29/2005 12:22:00 pm
typing errors!
cause ive been taking lessons
and i thought ive emprooved outa site..
9/29/2005 04:21:00 pm
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