Food memories and Haiku

Sorry, no tales of Jackson's this week, day job intervened. So instead:
Pseudo (aren't we all) Chef has nabbed me for Food memories of my childhood
- Getting the strap for making spaghetti hair.
- Sardine Sandwiches - three years straight, by demand.
- Insisting the rind be cut off my bacon - fussy little bastard.
- Knowing that the fresh sheep brain patties had sheeps brains in them while my sister didn't. (sorry Nat)
- Coke Spiders
Robert Corr tagged me for a Name Haiku Meme so Anthony Michael George[ff], here we go:
The opened flower
It is likened to a god
Who is the gardener
Here's some food from Leederville - Fibber McGee's and Cafe 130 - out with a couple of folks.

Coke Spiders! Me too.Usually in the heat of summer. And after a swim.
9/16/2005 08:22:00 am
Yeah coke spiders were part of the Merredin Coffee Shop trifecta of them, toasted chicken and cheese sandwiches, and cappucinos - all after the Friday afternoon swimming classes, preceded by Let's Sing.
9/16/2005 08:26:00 am
yeh spiders were great!
I also remember, to get out of eating my peas, shoving them up my nose at the dinner table. Untill one of my sisters dobbed , so i had to stand in the corner with a cooking pot on my head chanting , i will not shove peas where they dont belong..
9/17/2005 03:01:00 pm
Hi Mate,
Mons been on the booze with her mates, she gets a little too honest when she has a beer or 3. Sorry about that. WOZZA
9/17/2005 05:03:00 pm
Ahh she's right Wozza, hardly a dry blog.
9/18/2005 08:58:00 pm
psst,, hey devo, old buddy, old pal, any chance you can delete my drunken pea story( which was true by the way)???
9/18/2005 10:20:00 pm
My Nanna's crumbed fried sheeps brains WERE TO DIE FOR. All us kids knew exactly what was in 'em - yet the fight over the last cold one in the fridge was terrifying....
(Don't even ask me about the rhubarb and apple pise wars)
9/18/2005 10:52:00 pm
Nah let this be a lesson for your intemperate ways. Besides it made me laugh.
Did she chop them up or anything or were they just whole crumbed brains?
9/18/2005 11:22:00 pm
I'm almost afraid to ask. What are coke spiders?
9/19/2005 08:55:00 pm
No not fevered drug hallucinations but a glass of coke with a scoop of ice-cream in it.
9/19/2005 09:21:00 pm
That's it? It's just a coke float? (I have to admit that "spider" is a much better name for it though!)
And here I thought that the spider was something in the same vein as laughing so hard while eating noodles that they come out of one's nose. (No, this never happened to me but my husband claims he saw one of his cousins do this while eating chicken noodle soup.)
9/20/2005 06:08:00 am
sheeps brains and flat chickens?
ahh i get it, you lot simulataniously fell into ya deep fryers and cooked yourselves.
GO THE good old lamb chop and a chicken leg!
no offence i hope,
9/20/2005 07:44:00 am
Yes that's all simple pleasures out our way, no ten speed bicycles or x-ray glasses.
A deboned sheep?
9/20/2005 08:41:00 am
could it be done?
cause a chicken would be easy to reverse over a few times in the mighty nissan but,
a sheep,
i dunno
9/20/2005 08:56:00 am
Well if you had a Landcruiser...
9/20/2005 09:00:00 am
ahh shit,
everyone up here nose
that blody farmeres wit landies, either havent got a big enough blody farm,
or havent got a big enough blody dick.
im practising my speed tyong waty do ya fink
9/20/2005 09:15:00 am
Nah you can use a Nissan, just make sure it's in in L4 for the sheep, H4 for the chicken, and H2 should be fine for quail and spatchcocks.
I'd hope that's pretty speedy typing.
9/20/2005 09:21:00 am
wats a spatchcock, a spatular with a pointy out bit.
9/20/2005 09:26:00 am
Yes and they're making ones that atach to a Bamix.
9/20/2005 09:29:00 am
i just went to IKEA and bought all new cooking utensils, that is the greatests shop ever .
guess wat we are going to Wagin on wednesday, to by some rams,
ho hum bored, bored, bored
wozza asked me very poelitly to stay out of trouble for at least one day.
9/20/2005 09:38:00 am
anyone want to talk,
ill even settle for the tractor pervert........
hey deviate ,
some one say something
9/20/2005 09:58:00 am
I like IKEA and the kitchen gear shop down the road ab bit next to WA Salvage is pretty good to.
I hope it's not a giant ram that once belonged to Casey Chambers. : )
9/20/2005 09:59:00 am
I've work to do I'm afraid, but you could probably find some folks here
9/20/2005 10:05:00 am
excuse me,
correct me if I am wrong but,
a spatchcock is a small chicken!
9/20/2005 04:54:00 pm
It is indeed sir/madam. A small chicken is a spatchcock and the ladies tell me that a small cock is a small cock but not so bad if one knows what to do with it.
9/20/2005 05:45:00 pm
Well then young man,
we here, at the office that is , all belive you should let that poor unfortunate girl know, that she wont be buying a spatchcock attachment for her barmix !
I work for the department of GLAFG.
9/20/2005 06:21:00 pm
Will do
Geradlton Lovers of Avian Food Groups?
9/20/2005 11:15:00 pm
and by the way young man
a small cock , well it wouldnt even touch the sides!!
A large chicken is required to feed our family.
(very large)
9/21/2005 09:07:00 am
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