Toroidal Carbohydrate and Fat Containment Device

If you'd like to work out the approximate surface area of this Torus, it's simply a matter of finding out the inner radius (r) and the outer radius (R) which will give you
Of course for volume you'd save yourself the trouble and immerse it in a measuring jug of coffee.
Oh wow, no. Benri da ne!
Bet it slices a mountain of coleslaw too.
12/16/2004 04:23:00 pm
Hi Anthony,
Fascinating facts. What kind of torus do you think this is? Looks more like a horn torus to me. What was the measured surface area of these beauties?
By the way, did you make them yourself? The pictures look great!
12/16/2004 04:33:00 pm
I didn't know Dr. Stephen Hawking was guest blogging this week. Whassup?
12/16/2004 04:34:00 pm
Mister Donut is still in form here. Mada tabete inai kedo taberu toki zehi saizu wo hakaru!
12/16/2004 06:29:00 pm
Icing had in fact transformed it into a horn torus so I unblocked it with a chopstick this returning it to its natural state. Sadly it was eaten before I could get the micrometer out but lets say
No, no donut maker me, but it's the same donut with different lighting on a translucent counter.
I'm dedicating this post to you.
cruller wa muzukashii ka na. nihon ni tanoshinde.
12/16/2004 08:27:00 pm
Is it just me or is that a surprising amount of surface area for a donut to have? I would have thought around fifteen... but jeez, it's quite a lot more. Are you sure you did the maths right? Because that's a lot of donut-area. Just think about it... 37 square cm. Wow. This donut-science is really doing my head in.
12/18/2004 12:24:00 am
Temporally mapped inner and outer radii make me pretty hot too.
That is the beauty of the torus over a bun shape.
12/18/2004 11:04:00 am
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