
gustus elementa per omnia quaerunt

Monday, December 13, 2004

Hot and Sour Chicken Ball Soup


Hot shopping day and felt like something spicy and limey that wasn't a pertsovka, lime, and tonic. Made this little soup with what I had. You're clever people, I don't need to tell you how much of each thing do I?

Chicken Balls: (too late, joke's been made) - hand minced free range chicken thighs; minced red chilli; minced spring onions; 1 tbs flour; 1 egg; sesame oil; soy sauce;. Mixed together well and dropped into soup with two spoons.

Soup: base of softened chopped onion, garlic, chilli and ginger. Then chicken stock; 2 star anise; fish oil; soy sauce.

Finish: Before serving put the stems of choy sum in the soup to cook a little. Serve the soup, add the leafy ends and two quarters of lime and serve.

Nice job, had the desired contrasts in a spaced out taste arena. Flaming Lips.

Also: Thanks to those who nominated spiceblog in a couple of categories* in the 2004 Food Blog Awards at the Accidental Hedonist. Made me turn bright red and coy. Nominating people is gut wrenching for me, it's like Sophie's Choice but without the accents.

And: a big hello to readers in Merredin and surrounding districts.

* -Best Food Blog / Best Post / Most Imporved Spelling. You can still get over there and say things like "yep" "hands down" and "without a doubt".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you procure your chickens? Not like this 'ancient French art' is it?



12/14/2004 10:28:00 am

Blogger Reid said...

Hi Anthony,

The soup looks/sounds delicious. This would have actually been good a couple of nights ago. It actually got down to 67F I believe. Maybe I'll try this the next time it gets cold.

12/14/2004 02:02:00 pm

Blogger Anthony said...

: ) I'm a gentleman but remind me to leave Winchester off the festival circuit.

It's hot hot hot here at the moment 39C - what is that in F? Lots. Anyway the soup is light so quite nice for a hot day.

12/14/2004 04:17:00 pm

Blogger Reid said...

Hi Anthony,

According to an online temperature converter my 67F = 17C. Meanwhile your 39C = 102F. Yikes! Smokin' is more like it.

12/14/2004 06:26:00 pm

Blogger Anthony said...

Just heard it got to 41.5 today. But, as my Dad would say, it's a dry heat.

How often does it get down to 17 in Hawaii? Did someone leave a fridge door open or something

12/14/2004 07:43:00 pm

Blogger FXH said...

home alone - not much in fridge. grab 6 frozen dim sims, some BiLo brand. boil jug. stick dimmies in steamer on stove. set on low. wander back 10 mins later. get out wok (for more authentic chinese experience). heat up some oil in wok. shake in a bit of sesame oil. fry dimmies on 2 or 3 sides each until just a bit crisp - not deep fried. Chuck on plate. slosh over a bit of brown vinegar and small drizzle of soy. eat on back deck with cat and last stubby of Boag's Light found in fridge.

Nice job, had the desired contrasts in a spaced out taste arena.

12/14/2004 08:30:00 pm

Blogger FXH said...

home alone - not much in fridge. grab 6 frozen dim sims, some BiLo brand. boil jug. stick dimmies in steamer on stove. set on low. wander back 10 mins later. get out wok (for more authentic chinese experience). heat up some oil in wok. shake in a bit of sesame oil. fry dimmies on 2 or 3 sides each until just a bit crisp - not deep fried. Chuck on plate. slosh over a bit of brown vinegar and small drizzle of soy. eat on back deck with cat and last stubby of Boag's Light found in fridge.

Nice job, had the desired contrasts in a spaced out taste arena.

12/14/2004 08:31:00 pm

Blogger Anthony said...

Yum. I've already eaten (corn on the cob) but you've enabled the classic one plusser in me to have a beer as well. Thank you sir.

BTW - found yer Jane's Krazy Mixed Up Salt the other day, it'll be heading east when I get the chance.

12/14/2004 09:04:00 pm

Blogger FXH said...

oh - you sure its Jane's? theres an imposter around called Krazy Mixed Up Salt looks almost identical but we reckon it doesn't taste as good as Jane's.

Don't send it over - use it yourself on tomatoes or eggs or just on a bit of EVOO soaked bread.

If you could find out contact details for oz suppliers and find out where it can be got in Victoria that would be great.

12/14/2004 10:33:00 pm

Blogger Anthony said...

Hmmm let me see... photgraph background, JANE'S in larghe font, followed by Krazy MiXed-Up in irregular sizes and red and green, with "seasonings" in italics. "Original" underneath and the "Mixed-Up" Salt. "Product of USA.

Could this be it? And you'll be pleased to know

Imported by:
Exclusive Food Houses
181-187 Chesterville Road
Moorabbin. VICTORIA

12/15/2004 06:36:00 am

Blogger FXH said...

Jane's Krazy Mixed Up Salt. Thanks for that. I rang them and they were most helpful. Eastland Safeway is a regular stockist. So is, Toorak Safeway, Festival IGA in Fitzroy and Heidelberg Maxi Foods in Burgundy St.

They were also pretty interested to find the other "fake" Krazy Mixed up Salt was around and will be following up on what appears to be a direct copy of design etc.

12/15/2004 09:38:00 am

Blogger Reid said...

Hi Anthony,

It very rarely gets that cold here. Usually we're in the low to mid 70sF (21-26C) at night during the rainy season (which equates to winter). During the day, it's mostly a balmy 80-87F (26-30C). Highest temperatures? About 92F (33C).

12/15/2004 06:09:00 pm

Blogger Anthony said...

FX - great to hear you and Krazy Jane have got it together again.

Reid - I hope you stop to think what an amazingly good place you live in.

12/16/2004 06:55:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

41.5! At the foot of Mt Fuji today it was about 5.0. Nate loved Thomas Land and I tried to get on the DonDonPa 174km/h Roller Coaster.

12/16/2004 06:39:00 pm

Blogger Anthony said...

Ahhh how cool is that Fuji Highland? Natohkun ni yoroshiku.

12/16/2004 08:33:00 pm


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