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Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Salmon Marinated in Miso with Chilli Garlic Soy Spinach.

Mmmm mmmm mmmmmm driving back from the Innaloo fish markets with two bits of salmon. A rare treat and while not thinking about this , I wondered what to do with it. Grilling is good but pretty pedestrian in Japan where it's the breakfast equivalent of bacon. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

First look was in my copy of Cordon Bleu at Home which offered salmon in a lemon butter. This was the fallback. Next was Donna Hay's book which is always good but miso with tahini seemed contrived and the jar of tahini in my fridge had become a keepsake. Next was a Japanese Orange Page omnibus which led me to the following.

Two salmon steaks with a marinade of:
a tablespoon of red miso
a tablespoon of cooking sake
a teaspoon or so of finely grated ginger
and marinated for 30 minutes

They were then wrapped in foil and cooked in the oven for 12 minutes at 180C. Nicely largely sized they weren't quite cooked so I finished them off for a couple more minutes on a stove top griller. Then served with the spinach and a bit of lemon.

The Spinach:
This was saved from the juicer and chopped with a couple of spring onions. The spring onions were gently sauteed until a little soft and then the spinach was added with a splah of sake, cooked until softened and then a splash of garlic chili soy sauce* was added and then cooked a little longer.

Both were great the spinach was saved from my usual butter and nutmeg combo and the salmon was exquisite (all gushiness aside), the miso just adding a hint of saltiness and sake is a great keeper of moistness.

* this is just some soy sauce in a jar with a few dried chillies and a few garlic cloves.


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