
gustus elementa per omnia quaerunt

Thursday, August 17, 2006

A road not measured in miles but in gaviscon

final proofing spring

Spring Spice mag is off to the printers and a word I thought of was jubilant. Not a word I use a lot, probably due to it's a associates with Pascall Fruit Jubes - and what horrible things they were, especially when compared to Clinkers. Anyway I was happy but I can't say it's been the easiest of experiences unless I'm overstating the effects of wild mood swings. I'd like to think it was the steady application of effort but it seems a constant emotional hurdy gurdy thing. Some days I'm Eliza Doolittle, others I'm Don Knott the Reluctant Astronaut.

I swear there were moments when I though 'perhaps I can just drive my car North until I run out fuel and money and then wander around the dessert until found months, if not years, later. I think this was the time of neeeeeeeed advertising and mag is a pile of word documents with unresolvable sentences and there's a six page spread that is still completely unsorted, no pic for the cover, and somebody's just emailed to say they're not going to be able to do the story they promised. Not that it was all due to drama, sometimes you wake up and think what the hell am I doing running a magazine? And I guees this is to be expected in something that you have a financial and emotional commitment in, there's a lot of self inveested in these things. But then there's not too much analysis needed for the feeling involved in apparently losing two photo shoots and then ripping a hinge off my powerbook on a Friday evening just before heading off home.

But it picks up. Usually around the time pages start appearing on InDesign. Things that need to be written turn out to be much less the drama they're anticipated as. Stories get finished, proofing work turns to quibbling over commas, more ads come in and you can start to see where it ends and can have a bit of non-manic laugh.

And it's done and it's away at the printer. And it's great, not perfect but great and I've got a weekend. And I'm going to cook my little heart out.

Mental notes for next issue
-get new coffee cup
-not laugh at own jokes
-ask fellow directors if they're bothered by sailor-like levels of swearing
-learn to say barista properly
-save untouched raw photos in a special place
-get microphone that doesn't make interviews sound like Mr Noisy meets the Mud Men.
-institute floggings for use of ampersand

Postscript: Bah what moany nonsense. Sure it blows at times but it's tops to be out there and doing it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

testing testing

8/19/2006 10:41:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello its me again.
Having read this weeks offerings Anthony I must say I was moved to the point of tears and filled with deep admiration for the suffering and adversity that you, and indeed all those who strive to provide others with rare and valuable insights into cuisine, have faced.
I resolved then and there to go fourth and purchase not one but a whole bunch of them and give them to all my friends so they may share in the wonderful insight in food you have provided us.
Anyone for a Jube.
Thankyou Pascall

8/19/2006 10:53:00 am

Blogger Natalie said...

Congrats on another edition out without so much as a heart attack :)

8/19/2006 08:12:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the finished product.

Hey, I mentioned to your long-suffering wife that the 42 Below vodka ads were very funny. If you wouldn't mind passing this message on to her, the ads are here:


8/20/2006 03:56:00 pm

Blogger Anthony said...

You're as kind as you are anonymous. All purchase of Spice mag go towards a new coffee cup for me.

I did have chest pains at one stage but I think I was just laying funny or something.

Neither can I, there's a bit of magic when they come back from the printers as an actual mag.
I should point out that Toni was long-suffering well before she became mag widow.
Cheers for the vids - contra the overcompensating Bundy Bear, New Zealanders as the actual funny.
Here's the Judas Priest vid I promised too
Judas Priest Breaking The Law

8/20/2006 05:34:00 pm

Blogger The Daily Magnet said...

Wow camp-factor-plus with the plywood geetars!

Congratulations on birthing the squareheaded baby Anthony, I know exactly how you feel this week.

btw I luv jubes, especially blackcurrant ones! My horrible secret's out!

8/20/2006 06:40:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting the mag out - I can relate on that moment when the proofs have been checked by everyone and the file finally gets the OK to go to print.

Have a nice bottle of wine, put your feet up, and hopefully next time round it won't be so crazy. Hopefully ;)

8/20/2006 07:17:00 pm

Blogger Anthony said...

Hey DM
Yeah I know and what about the safe being blown open by the pure power of ROCK!. I saw a doco on them and have no doubt whatsoever there was not a single trace of intentional irony in the whole thing.
It felt like a squareheaded baby.
Ewww jubes.

Hi Ellie
It's a lovely feeling and yeah I did have a few bottles of stuff. It's getting less crazy with each one and having great people to work is gold.

8/20/2006 11:15:00 pm

Blogger FXH said...


8/21/2006 08:17:00 am

Blogger Anthony said...

Argh my reflux!

8/21/2006 08:48:00 am

Blogger Jeanne said...

So how do you currently say barista?? Or is that one of your own jokes that you like to laugh at?!?

Well done on another no-doubt-sparkling issue of the mag - may it continue from strength to strength.

8/24/2006 10:59:00 pm

Blogger tokyo goat said...

sounds weird but I'd interested in what kind of coffee cup you'll go for. My current receptacles of choice are the boda nova and the Higuma. The most fierce wild animal in Hokkaido

8/25/2006 10:47:00 am

Blogger Anthony said...

Stress on the first syllable rather than on the second. Don't want to be confused with the bewigged ones.
Sparkling is next one but yes a 15% increase in own jokes for this issue.

That's a ver huble looking yellow cup - very wabi sabi. Though the bear one - grrrr hands off co-workers.
Haven't gotten a new cup yet but should get to it!
Any other reader's cups?

8/25/2006 12:36:00 pm


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