
gustus elementa per omnia quaerunt

Monday, February 13, 2006

Valentine's Day


Always nice to have a day that's organ related.


Blogger Gracianne said...

Quelle horreur!

2/13/2006 05:13:00 pm

Blogger Lord Sedgwick said...


Organ Morgan, you haven't been listening to a word I said. It's organ organ all the time with you...

2/13/2006 05:32:00 pm

Blogger santos. said...

i would like that back please. the ice water that runs through my veins has nowhere to go now.

2/13/2006 07:54:00 pm

Blogger Anthony said...

Actually now you mention it Gracianne, that's a pretty damned spooky gravatar you got there.

Your Excellency, Chesty 'Organ

Santos, will trade for mix CD's

2/13/2006 08:15:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was a year ago tomorrow that I moved to Perth. Am I a local yet?

(also, where the hell did you get that thing?)

2/13/2006 08:43:00 pm

Blogger Gracianne said...

It is a picture of the church in the village - I didn't mean to offend anyone. Do you think a Little Poney would look nicer?

2/13/2006 09:28:00 pm

Blogger Anthony said...

Almost, we just have to do the driving test where each place we drive past you have to say how much it's better than Sydney. (Has it really been a year?)

As for the heart, lets just say pinnochio won't be giving us any more trouble anymore.

I think a little pony would look nice but I'll just have to be a brave boy.

2/13/2006 09:35:00 pm

Blogger santos. said...

36 full cds ain't enough? maybe you need that vessel more than i do.

2/13/2006 09:44:00 pm

Blogger Anthony said...

Well actually I'm kinda using it as a bike pump at the moment.

2/13/2006 09:49:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...


"What's going on? What's all this shouting? We'll have no trouble here. This is a local town for local people: there's nothing for you here."

2/14/2006 08:34:00 am

Blogger santos. said...

>Always nice to have a day that's organ related.

don't forget wurlitzer day....

2/14/2006 03:26:00 pm

Blogger Joycelyn said...

hi anthony, you closet romantic you...btw, congratulations on the red apron/spicey business!

2/14/2006 04:18:00 pm

Blogger Anthony said...

"I'm a lady"
(bugger wrong show"

That's some hardcore html going on on that link there.

Hi J. Actually I prefer a bed but I'll keep it in mind. And thanks for the congrats.

2/15/2006 07:37:00 am


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