Monday, February 06, 2006
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- Oranjetractorwine
- Ponzu Salmon
- Lemon Chilli Prosciutto Pasta
- Marmalade Ginger Pork
- Lemon Fennel Cream Pasta
- Pickled Daikon
- Passiona Cheesecake
- Beef and Stout Stew
- Herb Gardened Roast Lamb
- Ebi Gyouza
- Marinated Octopus
- Saba no Misoni
- Leek and Potato Soup
- Creme Brulee
- Pork Belly & Pale Ale
- Cassoulet
- Deep Fried Wine
- Smoked Salmon Frittata
- Red Emperor Nabe
- Crayfish Ravioli
- Mahi Mahi and Polenta
- Bacon Eggs in Red Wine
- Lentils Chicken with Garlic
- Beef Bourguignon



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My food, photographs, and thoughts are the free range chicken that lays the egg that is Spiceblog.
The recipes are suggestions only and no responsibility is taken for any injury, death, or dinner party catastrophe resulting from this site. Please consult with a professional before attempting any recipes. Spiceblog recommends all foodstuffs should be part of a healthy diet and combined with regular exercise.
whooooo. the dynasty and the heartache begins.
2/07/2006 12:33:00 am
Yeah! Dynasty! Nobody mentioned Linda Evans.
2/07/2006 12:38:00 am
Congratulations! Er, nice cleaver you got there. That's not going to be a cover pix, is it?
2/07/2006 01:41:00 am
shouldnt you be cooking spicey eggs and toast to celelbrate?
2/07/2006 04:02:00 am
I only get 20% of the vote, so no. The cleaver is there as most gentlemanly portraits would not only be a display of possession but some objext that would ditinguish the subject - perhaps martial, perhaps hunting, perhaps science. They also tended to wear pants that passed heir knees but did not quite reach their ankles.
Thank you. Yes I should, and I did, just gotta get some proof reading out of the way. Anyhoo off down the shop for more commas.
2/07/2006 10:29:00 am
WOOT. Congrats Spicey.
2/07/2006 01:45:00 pm
How wonderful! Sends big pat on the back...
2/07/2006 03:26:00 pm
Aaah, so you've sold out and joined the hard copy establishment. A sad day in the blogosphere indeed...! ;-)
Seriously, well done on your Kerry Packer-like rise towards media mogulhood. The mag rocks and... my, what a big sharp pointy thing you have! :o)
PS - compulsory submission for EoMEoTE this month, you English major you. Too long have your dulcet tones been absent from the ovo-literary world.
2/07/2006 06:14:00 pm
We can all say we knew you when! (WARNING: publishing is not all cocaine and supermodels you know. Actually there's no cocaine and a real dearth of models of any variety...)
2/07/2006 08:33:00 pm
Thanks Steph
Pat should be here next Tuesday
Yep, jumped the bus and gone non-electric. Still be hanging around with my roots.
Ah Cheers, Kerry popped his clogs last month so lets hope I can stall that bit. The mag is cool and that pointy thing is my head.
PS Aye aye, how bout by the weekend?
Hopefully it's not "when I had hair" or something. (Knife fork bottle and a cork, that's not how you spell New York.)
2/07/2006 10:01:00 pm
Publishing, a risky but rewarding venture. Hope you enjoy the experience.
2/07/2006 10:02:00 pm
Onya, anthony. Is it only available in WA, or can I get my paws on it in Canberra?
2/08/2006 08:38:00 am
Hey Cheers Zoe
It is available over east but the distribution company took a kind of random lets see what happens if we sell it here approach so it's hard to say where. The next edition is out at the end of the month so maybe pop down to the newsagents and ask if they have a copy.
I also should, as a proprietor, direct you to our site with subscriptions: Spice Magazine
2/08/2006 08:49:00 am
Hi Anthony,
CONGRATULATIONS! Now...about that international subscription. Have you worked out details for that yet?
2/08/2006 07:23:00 pm
Now I'll definitely have to subscribe!
2/08/2006 09:54:00 pm
Congrats man! I spent a decade in the magazine industry and 5 years as a part-owner of some pretty cool publications. It's a fantastic time for you. Enjoy every moment of it and listen to your instincts. I hope Spice becomes the best food magazine in the region. Now, when are you gonna start allowing those of us outside of Perth to subscribe?
2/08/2006 11:18:00 pm
One of those once it's off to the printer things. Cheers for your patience.
Just the thing for upscaling your lifestyle.
Thanks. Wow I have much distance to go being a newbie. Mad busy way to start at the moment (and a certain person isn't going to mention I snuck down the pub for a quick half) and find find my feet so instincts it has to be. I hope it does, it's a big region and yes outside subscriptions will happen.
2/09/2006 03:20:00 pm
Dosh transferred, form faxed. Consider my lifestyle upscaled.
2/09/2006 04:04:00 pm
Hey cheers Rob, they showed me the fax at the office. More brownie points for me for ticking the MTC box. Look forward to enjoying the Warm Roquefort Cheese Tart at yours.
Welcome back BTW
2/09/2006 09:55:00 pm
Congratulations Anthony. I recognise that akitchen. A pink shirt would go well with the burgundy apron.
2/10/2006 10:12:00 am
Thanks Barbara, you're one of the select food bloggy few of one who have actually been in the actual kitchen. Maybe I can return the visit one day. Nice idea with the clour matching : )
2/11/2006 12:17:00 pm
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