Sunday, November 06, 2005
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My food, photographs, and thoughts are the free range chicken that lays the egg that is Spiceblog.
The recipes are suggestions only and no responsibility is taken for any injury, death, or dinner party catastrophe resulting from this site. Please consult with a professional before attempting any recipes. Spiceblog recommends all foodstuffs should be part of a healthy diet and combined with regular exercise.
The Horror.
Look closely, Eggward Woodward's in the middle. Britt Eggland was unavailble for nude gyrating.
I'm guessing you've left London then. Snails and puppt dogs tails, we're they chopped or for chewing? Good luck with the rat, remember Poor Preparation = Piss Poor Performance. Just imagine it's a pigeon - yuk.
Hope you're taking pics for posterity.
11/06/2005 06:53:00 pm
I've never seen that movie. Is it scary?
11/06/2005 07:06:00 pm
Saw it as a kid and it left an impression. Bit of a cult fave - chopped to bits in editing with the other bits never to be seen again, apparently part of motorway supports now.
11/06/2005 07:09:00 pm
Great photo.
11/06/2005 09:50:00 pm
My only knowledge of Wicker Man comes from Coupling (the good, BBC, version; not that drivel NBC attempted to shove on us); Britt Ekland and Jenny Agutter feature quite prominently in an episode...they talk about The Wicker Man and Walkabout.
You can guess the topic.
11/07/2005 12:03:00 am
Minus points for lack of eggs (Britt or otherwise) but big plus points for glorious photo & inspired theme. You rock.
11/07/2005 02:35:00 am
eggs schmeggs, where are the apples?!!
(oh wait, is that Britt's feature role?)
11/07/2005 03:29:00 am
Hi Anthony,
Great photo, but were you actually able to eat the toast afterwards? =P
11/07/2005 04:42:00 am
-Cheers. Just burning some carbs.
-mmmm yes, we watched Walkabout with much interest in High School and Polanski's Macbeth (Shakespeare comes alive)
-Ha! Then I rock harder, look closely in the middle.
-I knows me rules.
-not after it's been soaked in turpentine.
11/07/2005 06:32:00 am
Was he a non spice mag reader?
11/07/2005 07:41:00 am
I will be dancing next to your room with a subscription offer, I can't be responsible for what happens after that.
11/07/2005 08:05:00 am
I am sure thats illegal in some parts of Australia! :P
11/07/2005 08:33:00 am
And lucky it's not bacon and eggs.
11/07/2005 08:45:00 am
ooh dancing
with or without clothes on.
11/07/2005 09:01:00 am
Three subscriptions and I put some clothes on.
11/07/2005 09:08:00 am
oohhh 4
and youll wear a leopard print jock strapp, with velcro side for easy removal?
11/07/2005 09:11:00 am
I'll have to speak with marketing.
11/07/2005 09:34:00 am
That would have been scarier still.
11/17/2005 01:19:00 pm
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