
gustus elementa per omnia quaerunt

Tuesday, May 25, 2004


What happened to Koeksisters? I used to love the sticky braided syrup dipped fritter things and then they vanished. Who knew they're South African?

Anyone know where I can get some?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, as luck would have it. I have some. Baked them this morning for colleagues at the office. Thought I'd do a bit of a background on them first, so the colleagues would know what they're eating. Yes. They're South African. Unfotunately, they been adopted by the ight wingers in South Africa who even have a statue in their "independent white homeland's" capital of Orania. Fitunately, the rest of the country, all of them, still enjoy the koeksister as a great snack. And mine of this morning actually turned out OK! And I'm a man by the way. Yes, we bake too!

4/25/2005 06:08:00 am

Blogger Anthony said...

Hey great, it's a shame when icons get hijacked by jingoists, I think you'll just have to reclaim them. I've got peer group pressure manly inspiration now. Cheers.

5/11/2005 09:57:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maurits van Eijck, who ever said their right wingers .. ppl of orania ? Please stop generalising and catch a wake up. Or get back to your baking and shut up your trap.

As for the koeksisters, you get them all over... Usually at "Tuis nywerhede". Always in stock.

11/17/2005 10:02:00 pm


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